About me

Of Architecture and Boats .........

I am a Roman architect, graduated from the Faculty of Valle Giulia La Sapienza in Rome in 1998 and enrolled in the order since 2000 with a three-year doctorate (2003-2006) in building engineering-architecture ("relationship between architectural form and technical feasibility") And lecturer for a few years at the degree course in"architecture and interior design”With several articles and books published. For many years I have been writing articles on boating, boats and architecture in various well-known trade magazines both in print and on the web.

In 25 years I have developed and trained a good practice in the design and direction of the complex conception of a "product" (boat or building) and its maintenance of identity in a delicate balance between the subjects involved. From the initial concept to the realization, through the entire process that involves various professional figures, both in the land and naval fields.

At the same time I have always sailed for pleasure before and after as a charter commander for many years until I embarked as first officer on a steel schooner of 1910 of 40 meters, to know the real deep sea and oceanic navigation and understand the why of many things , in the projects and in the management, to then return in 2016 and resume life on land. I initially dealt with small refitting, appraising boats of friends in the sales between private individuals (naval expert n 2061 Rome) and then often transforming and optimizing them.

Buildings and boats are what I have been interested in and occupied every day for work and for passion and for more than 20 years they still continue to enchant and excite me.

I have seen and experienced well-made and harmonious buildings and houses, designing others for others, I have always sailed and experienced boats, understanding them at mooring, on site and on the move, starting to optimize them, study them, write about them and design them for later transform them by adapting them to new or old owners.

I love the sea and what sails on it, I love buildings and terrestrial architecture that taught me the value of the "context", foreign to the nautical world, the importance of detail, constructive attention and the method with which to relate to design needs and conflicts… .as always at sea!

Vivo dove le barche e i cantieri mi portano e mi chiamano, ma ritorno sempre e volentieri a casa nella campagna senese dove  mi aspetta la mia famiglia dedicandomi a tempo pieno a loro e alla scrittura di articoli e libri.

Architect ( n° 13662 ), PhD in Building Engineering ( Reg.n° 4779 ), yacht designer, naval expert ( n° 2061 ), maritime in 1° categoria ( matricola 13989 ) ed ex ispettore di sicurezza del diporto per il rilascio delle certificazioni di sicurezza.

Passionate and profound connoisseur of used sailing boats, I am able to carry out technical evaluations and real commercial estimates, above all by analyzing the particular market moment as well as knowing the models of many existing boats.

Mi sono occupato per diversi anni di imbarcazioni da diporto a vela usate, trasferimenti in mare e nei controlli, ispezioni e valutazioni tecniche e di sicurezza per assistere  privati o broker nella compravendita. Ho approfondito e sviluppato per passione l’arte delle perizie pre-acquisto che necessitano di una valutazione tecnica, commerciale e di un occhio attento e scrupoloso,  l’esperienza nella supervisione e nella direzione tecnico artistica di trasformazioni, manutenzioni e restauri di imbarcazioni private da diporto.

In particular:

  • Assistance for work estimates
  • Supervision and direction of construction, repair and restoration works
  • Accertamenti condizioni di stato e di manutenzione, verifica osmosi e controlli processi degenerativi fasciame scafo in vetroresina.

Conosco cosa serve veramente in mezzo al mare, per la sicurezza e per il comfort, quindi sono in grado di consigliare al meglio chi cerca una barca o chi ha bisogno di sistemarla.

Le  pre-purchase appraisals are aimed at ascertaining the conditions of pleasure craft, with inspections and visits in the 3 fundamental phases: dry hull visit, test in navigation, visit to the moorings.

The visit of the hulla is aimed at ascertaining the presence of osmosis, fractures, delaminations and interventions carried out in the hull, but often not declared by the seller. Examination of the condition of the gel-coat, of the conditions of the hull appendages, of the propeller shafts, of the propellers, stands and relative bushings. Particular attention is also paid to the state of the sea cocks and bulwarks.

During sea trial si verifica il funzionamento della strumentazione, degli impianti e dell’elettronica, lo stato delle strutture e delle vele principali.

The visit at the mooring provides for the examination of the superstructures, of the deck hardware, of the state of the deck, of the interiors.

A conclusione si esaminano i documenti di bordo elencando i difetti e vizi rilevati, potendo così presentare all’acquirente subito un quadro completo sullo stato dell’imbarcazione nello stato in cui si trova e giace. Successivamente su richiesta si rilascia una relazione dettagliata con foto e commenti.

Sacha Giannini



+39 338 44 02 633